Sunday, August 22, 2010

Send Me Footy pt. I: "Stuff"

Back in the day when us would-be villagers were still in high school and living at our respective parents' houses, we would spend many nights talking on AIM with each other, primarily about skateboarding. We'd talk about new videos, magazines, tricks, and so on, but it would inevitably come down to our own footage. Jake Knapp, being the main filmer/editor and, thus, holder of thy sacred footy, would be ceaselessly harassed to share anything and everything that was newly filmed amongst our group of friends. He would share his harvest by sending us little videos, usually consisting of nothing but raw footy, and that would tide us over for the next few days or so. I also love that they are mostly footage from one day of skating. A lot of these tricks ended up in Sorry We're Open but the vast majority remains primarily unseen.
I recently rediscovered a large quantity of these little videos on my computer and decided they should be shared with others who may enjoy them. I decided to post one or two up every weekend starting today. Be warned, they mostly date back to 2005, when the world was a much different place. Love them, hate them, the choice is yours. I hope you enjoy.

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