I first met Matt when he, Andy Snyder and Jake Knapp started coming by the shop after meeting Eric on skate perception. I soon realized how many times I had skated Mercer island with him and now we had more than enough reason to talk and hang out whilst at our favorite haunt.
I asked Jake about him riding for 35th and was never informed that he rode for another shop, but that didn't stop him from dropping this gem off. This one is dated January 2005 and is A melting pot of different stages of his skating, but all amazing. Most of this was split up between Magnum Opus and Sorry we're open. I'd like to also note Jakes menu screens have always been really cool, even for a simple clip. It was easy to ask him to be a part of 35th after seeing this, and we quickly became close friends which is the basis for the 35th family today. Enjoy.
