Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sponsor me part 1-Eric Logan

Running a skateboard shop you keep hearing the same questions over and over again, but one that is constantly repeated throughout years is "How can I get sponsored?". When asked this I request documentation of the skills they possess and await the fruits of their labor that best represents what they're about. Slowly but surely I have accumulated a few videos from my friends and they've been collecting dust on a shelf and I felt it necessary to share them with you.
Figured I would start with a banger, Eric's footage is from 2003-2004(date on the dvd is 2004 but correct me if I'm wrong?) and most was seen in Sorry we're open but there are a few unseen gems in there I believe(though I'm sure I'll be told "No Dave, it was all used."),and I am sure this was handed to me in hopes of getting a few boards from a company.Hope you enjoy it as much as I did dusting it off tonight and realizing how much Eric Logan from the streets truly rips.


  1. so many gems.... holy crap that was good. can i retire

  2. YES! That front crook on the crusty hubba is still one of my favorites.

  3. A+. Loved the sounds. Send this to some energy drink sponsor.

  4. i dont think ive ever seen that 180 nosegrind in tacoma, that was amazing!

  5. You can always tell when Andy was there
