Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
villager texts out of context
wes-"What say you,lord four wheeled rider?"
dave-"Eric of Logan clan and myself will ride north at the dawns first light.Look south for our stallions and heed our call."
wes-"Ride forth burly protector. I shall heed your words and gaze south for signs of your approach. Darkness fades, yet beware for dangers leer in light as well."
dave-"Eric of Logan clan and myself will ride north at the dawns first light.Look south for our stallions and heed our call."
wes-"Ride forth burly protector. I shall heed your words and gaze south for signs of your approach. Darkness fades, yet beware for dangers leer in light as well."
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 19: Patrick Everman Edition
Back in the days of AIM (or do kids still do that nowadays?), Patty used to send me clips here and there. He lived in Spokane and always killed it on the board, as did his friends. The first clip is Ben Carden and the others are Patty himself. Sorry for the bad quality and obnoxious ramping, that's just how it was delivered.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Remember Peter Starrs
If you don't know, Peter lost his life last night in a motorcycle accident. The Seattle community lost a wonderful free spirit and inconceivably good skateboarder. I remember being completely blown away by his All City Showdown footage from a few years ago. He's already missed.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 18: "Goodnight Moon"
A Halloween treat. I don't remember why Jake made this, but I know we were both really into Kill Bill at the time.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
He's definitely gettin a box
josh altamont vid from jacob foy on Vimeo.
P.S. I (Matt) am a huge fan of good thumbnail pictures, and this one does not disappoint. Good work all involved.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
g squad promo 2004
Found this in a pile of old dvds, Jake Weger and the kelly brothers stand out alot.Good memories for sure.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Sponsor Me Part 8; Reilly Schlitt's Retroactive Sponsor-me
The following is a video recreation demonstrating what my original sponsor me for 35th Ave looked like. (The original was either eaten by interweb gnomes or rickrolled out of existence.) At the time, I was living in Matt and Josh's basement in Ballard. Now let's have a laugh at my naiveté.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Funday 20
More days of fun in Tacoma, Tillicum, and Kent. Featuring Reilly Schlitt, Austin Fischer, Luke Elliott, Josh Peterson, Jake Knapp, Dave Waite, Josh McLaughlin, Matt Gorman, Cody Sewell, Eric Logan, Charlie Wray, Zebb Bruser, Wes Ellis, Zack Sroka, and myself, Matt Nielsen.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sponsor me part 7 - The king of freestyle Reilly Schlitt
You ever go to A new park and you see A local cruising around and every trick they do you think " What the fuck? What was that?", that was my introduction to Reilly at Mercer Island. He had King of freestyle scrawled on his grip and rock tight trucks and a shit load of wacky maneuvers that blew my mind. Over the next few years I would bump into him periodically and watch him develop into one of the most creative people I'll ever meet. I have A file on my old pc just for his random tricks I would get sent over aim, and I always envied his approach to skating, he saw spots in a much different light and to this day still lives far outside the confines of the box I'm stuck inside.
This was on the same dvd I got with Lukes footage, and both videos will be on repeat for me for a bit, as we may be friends but I will remain a huge fan for life. Hoping I may stumble upon the rose colored glasses they adorned so long ago, and learn to take the road less traveled.
This was on the same dvd I got with Lukes footage, and both videos will be on repeat for me for a bit, as we may be friends but I will remain a huge fan for life. Hoping I may stumble upon the rose colored glasses they adorned so long ago, and learn to take the road less traveled.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sponsor me part 6 - Luke Elliott
Having skated for a better part of my life I have met a ton of people over the years,some come and go and others stay within the scene and slowly you get to know each other and realize you have way more in common than the average passerby. Enter Luke Elliott, too many innerspace and mercer sessions together, I became A fan easily and looked forward to what he was working on every time we hung out. As his skating was so different from most people that I knew and we always had good talks about skating banks and working onnew no complies but mostly he kept me motivated to film and progress.
I remember hitting Luke up about riding for 35th A while ago but he was skating for Trickwood at the time and one thing Luke will always be is loyal to his friends and family to a fault. And when I got word that they would be closing their doors I realized he would be a free agent and jumped at the chance to ask him to join the family.
This dvd is dated august 19th 2009 and also has A video from Reilly which I will be posting next.
I remember hitting Luke up about riding for 35th A while ago but he was skating for Trickwood at the time and one thing Luke will always be is loyal to his friends and family to a fault. And when I got word that they would be closing their doors I realized he would be a free agent and jumped at the chance to ask him to join the family.
This dvd is dated august 19th 2009 and also has A video from Reilly which I will be posting next.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Stolen pt. 17: Josh Anderson Theeve Welcome Video
Despite being hurt forever, he somehow comes out with this ridiculously good part. Congrats, Josh!
Monday, July 18, 2011
sponsor me part 5 - Matt Nielsen #2
I'm not quite sure why I ended up with this dvd. Maybe I requested to see what footage Matt had stacked or I was just trying to see everything now because I knew a new video had to be way too far away. This footage appears to be split up between Sorry we're open,apples and oranges and Smells like Tacoma with even an early clip or two for Balsamic Villagers. It's dated April 2007. Probably A few unused things but most has seen the light of day.
I always envied his ability to adapt to any spot and his undying devotion to get the clip, even if it meant going back several times and arguing with business owners and other persons of authority. One of the most creative people I have ever met and so thankful to have his influence in my life.

I always envied his ability to adapt to any spot and his undying devotion to get the clip, even if it meant going back several times and arguing with business owners and other persons of authority. One of the most creative people I have ever met and so thankful to have his influence in my life.

Sunday, July 17, 2011
sponsor me part 4 - Andy Tomich
Andy Tomich was someone I always saw coming by 35th, good talks and a guaranteed 45 minute span of picking out his next board . I would see him at Puyallup and Tyee over the years. He always brought me footage but we didn't hang out much so it took a lot longer to work things out but I always enjoyed his approach to skating.He was like us and searched out the harder to hit spots and wheelied his way around downtown Tacoma every weekend. I remember him dropping this by in march 2008, and it would be an easy choice to add him to the family after viewing his balancing act as documented by the talented Brandon Jensen.
It's been a while since I watched it but most of this ended up in Beware of sasquatch. Got to see him last week, and his skill continues to evolve and amaze me.Always a pleasure.

It's been a while since I watched it but most of this ended up in Beware of sasquatch. Got to see him last week, and his skill continues to evolve and amaze me.Always a pleasure.

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sponsor me part 3 - Andrew Mark Snyder
I realize in the world of blogging I just plain suck at spacing out content as I am too excited to share things as I discover them. Secrets and surprises are not my forte by A long shot. So I lurch forward by needing to share Andys video. The date marked on this one is April 2005, and by the looks of the footage this is compiled from between Magnum Opus and Sorry we're open as well.
This wasn't the dvd that I was handed by Eric in hopes of getting his new found friend on the squad , if my memory serves me correctly Andy dropped this in my lap for hopes of some flow from a shoe company he fancied at that time. I always looked forward to these gracing my desktop, as everyone was so much better than the crew I used to roll with and the spots they skated were fresh and fun looking. I never ventured northward much beyond the confines of Mercer Island skatepark, and shortly after this time I was out every weekend with the dudes discovering A life I was oblivious to.
I also want to make sure people know how instrumental Jake Knapp has been in all our lives. His patience and desire to document his friends in such a creative and unique fashion has benefited us all in many ways we may never have dreamed of. The countless hours,shoe soles and bruised knees,ankles,shins. Stolen cameras and endless miles driven, all us villagers owe this man a huge debit of gratitude for the memories of the best times of our lives he captured in these clips, to be cherished and looked upon well beyond this day. You're the best jake.

This wasn't the dvd that I was handed by Eric in hopes of getting his new found friend on the squad , if my memory serves me correctly Andy dropped this in my lap for hopes of some flow from a shoe company he fancied at that time. I always looked forward to these gracing my desktop, as everyone was so much better than the crew I used to roll with and the spots they skated were fresh and fun looking. I never ventured northward much beyond the confines of Mercer Island skatepark, and shortly after this time I was out every weekend with the dudes discovering A life I was oblivious to.
I also want to make sure people know how instrumental Jake Knapp has been in all our lives. His patience and desire to document his friends in such a creative and unique fashion has benefited us all in many ways we may never have dreamed of. The countless hours,shoe soles and bruised knees,ankles,shins. Stolen cameras and endless miles driven, all us villagers owe this man a huge debit of gratitude for the memories of the best times of our lives he captured in these clips, to be cherished and looked upon well beyond this day. You're the best jake.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Sponsor me Part 2 - Matt Nielsen
I'd like to preface this post by saying these are in no order of any kind, I just randomly decided to do this one next, simply because of how stoked I am that it was still hanging out in here 7 years later.
I first met Matt when he, Andy Snyder and Jake Knapp started coming by the shop after meeting Eric on skate perception. I soon realized how many times I had skated Mercer island with him and now we had more than enough reason to talk and hang out whilst at our favorite haunt.
I asked Jake about him riding for 35th and was never informed that he rode for another shop, but that didn't stop him from dropping this gem off. This one is dated January 2005 and is A melting pot of different stages of his skating, but all amazing. Most of this was split up between Magnum Opus and Sorry we're open. I'd like to also note Jakes menu screens have always been really cool, even for a simple clip. It was easy to ask him to be a part of 35th after seeing this, and we quickly became close friends which is the basis for the 35th family today. Enjoy.

I first met Matt when he, Andy Snyder and Jake Knapp started coming by the shop after meeting Eric on skate perception. I soon realized how many times I had skated Mercer island with him and now we had more than enough reason to talk and hang out whilst at our favorite haunt.
I asked Jake about him riding for 35th and was never informed that he rode for another shop, but that didn't stop him from dropping this gem off. This one is dated January 2005 and is A melting pot of different stages of his skating, but all amazing. Most of this was split up between Magnum Opus and Sorry we're open. I'd like to also note Jakes menu screens have always been really cool, even for a simple clip. It was easy to ask him to be a part of 35th after seeing this, and we quickly became close friends which is the basis for the 35th family today. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sponsor me part 1-Eric Logan
Running a skateboard shop you keep hearing the same questions over and over again, but one that is constantly repeated throughout years is "How can I get sponsored?". When asked this I request documentation of the skills they possess and await the fruits of their labor that best represents what they're about. Slowly but surely I have accumulated a few videos from my friends and they've been collecting dust on a shelf and I felt it necessary to share them with you.
Figured I would start with a banger, Eric's footage is from 2003-2004(date on the dvd is 2004 but correct me if I'm wrong?) and most was seen in Sorry we're open but there are a few unseen gems in there I believe(though I'm sure I'll be told "No Dave, it was all used."),and I am sure this was handed to me in hopes of getting a few boards from a company.Hope you enjoy it as much as I did dusting it off tonight and realizing how much Eric Logan from the streets truly rips.

Figured I would start with a banger, Eric's footage is from 2003-2004(date on the dvd is 2004 but correct me if I'm wrong?) and most was seen in Sorry we're open but there are a few unseen gems in there I believe(though I'm sure I'll be told "No Dave, it was all used."),and I am sure this was handed to me in hopes of getting a few boards from a company.Hope you enjoy it as much as I did dusting it off tonight and realizing how much Eric Logan from the streets truly rips.

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Stolen pt. 15: Joey Brezinski - X Games Real Street
ESPN is killing it right now. Check out the Real Street videos if you haven't already. This one should win if you ask me. French Fred never disappoints.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 17: "The Events of the Day"
This video was, as the title states, all filmed in one day. It features Andy Snyder, Eric Logan, and myself, Matt Nielsen. Most of it takes place at the old Tacoma ledge spot that Eric and Jake built. At that point, it had grown to be more than the two ledges in a row, and now had a couple of refrigerator-type objects going off the drop. Andy took it upon himself to shut down the spot that day by doing a ridiculous number of lines, a few of which got used in Sorry We're Open. After the ledge spot, we traveled about Tacoma, stopping off at various places. Eric and I got a couple of tricks at a now defunct (I believe) rooftop bump. The day ended with Eric front boarding a massive bump to flat bar, which also ended up in Sorry We're Open. I think he was trying to smith it too when Jake had an uncontrollable urge to shit, and did so in the alley around the corner from the spot. If I'm remembering this correctly, Eric had to stop trying his trick as a result of being bombarded with Jake's shit smell every time he rode by the alley. Good good times.
P.S. If you're wondering about the song, it was recorded live at a gathering at a friend's house via Jake's cam, hence all the talking in the background.
P.S. If you're wondering about the song, it was recorded live at a gathering at a friend's house via Jake's cam, hence all the talking in the background.
Funday 18
An amalgamation of various fundays, most of which taking place in Issaquah and Seattle, with a bit of Tacoma thrown in the mix. Featuring Chris Lee, Eric Logan, Matt Gorman, Jake Knapp, Josh McLaughlin, Zeb Bruser, Andy Snyder, Dave Waite, and yours truly. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
villagers out of context # 24
i never had a thigh master within my grasp until i moved in with you
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 16: "Ledgend"
A miniature edit featuring Knapplesauce, Loganberry and Petersburg skating the ledge Eric and Jake built before a certain group of morons ruined it for everybody.
Note the differences in style and steez as compared to present day...
Note the differences in style and steez as compared to present day...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Villagers Out of Context vol. 19
"If I wasn't screwing around with my legos, we would have never found your wallet." - Zeb Bruser
Monday, March 28, 2011
villagers out of context vol. 18
"I can't think of a time in my life when I would ever eat a pancake." - Luke Elliot
Sunday, March 27, 2011
3/20/11 (Funday 17)
A few of us traveled to Bremerton last weekend to see what the town had to offer. We were not let down, as there were spots everywhere and nobody to kick us out. Apparently, Bremerton shuts down almost entirely on Sunday. The day started out with a ferry ride for Wes and me.
When we arrived in Bremerton, we met up with the Joshes, Dave, and Eric at the Bremerton park. The park was super sick. Kind of janky in spots, but that's how we like it. From there we went on to explore the streets. Eric had been there on numerous pest control excursions (I don't know what else to call them), so he already knew of a bunch of spots.
If you haven't been to Bremerton to skate yet, you must go. Lots of fun to be had, especially if you like skating rocks. See video below for a more detailed account of the area!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 15: "The 6th" and The Tale of the Adic Penguins
Title in reference to the 6th of June, 2005. Almost six years ago. Where were you six years ago? Eric was taildropping into the Velodrome in Redmond (the same one he nosepulled, or dumptrucked, or whatever you call it, into in his part in Balsamic Villagers). He was also pole jamming before most of the rest of us. I was nose bonking some pillar at a classic Issaquah spot. There's a 3 stair and 4 stair there that got plenty of use back in the day.
The last spot is also in Redmond at a place we came to know as Adic. This place had a ridiculous amount of office supplies in their parking area, most notably file cabinets and tables. Whenever it was rainy or too dark to go anywhere else, we would take a trip to Adic and set up something. One time, whilst exploring the materials at hand, Josh and Eric (I believe) found boxes full of miniature foam penguins, seen here:
There were at least 300 of these things. They must have been some sort of strange promotional item gone wrong, seeing as they were just sitting in boxes in the garage. This is where the name Adic was established, as you can see it was imprinted onto every one of these penguins. So, after finding them, we did what any sane person would: we took them. We filled Jake's truck with them, requiring whoever was sitting in the back to wade with these penguins that came up to his waist. Over the next few days, possibly weeks, we proceeded to rid Jake's truck of these by throwing them at anyone we saw. Most people would initially yell and curse at us, but upon realizing what we had just thrown, would smile or laugh, or occasionally give a thank you wave.
Now, these things have become quite endangered. Everyone who was there or knows of them has kept a select few. I myself have three gracing my piano. I guess the moral to this story, if there is one, is make memories. When I think of the times we had back in those days, six years ago, it always brings a smile to my face. I miss those times, but I know that in another six years, I'll look back at today, and hopefully a smile will come to my face then as well.
Ok, sentimental emotion purge complete.
The last spot is also in Redmond at a place we came to know as Adic. This place had a ridiculous amount of office supplies in their parking area, most notably file cabinets and tables. Whenever it was rainy or too dark to go anywhere else, we would take a trip to Adic and set up something. One time, whilst exploring the materials at hand, Josh and Eric (I believe) found boxes full of miniature foam penguins, seen here:
There were at least 300 of these things. They must have been some sort of strange promotional item gone wrong, seeing as they were just sitting in boxes in the garage. This is where the name Adic was established, as you can see it was imprinted onto every one of these penguins. So, after finding them, we did what any sane person would: we took them. We filled Jake's truck with them, requiring whoever was sitting in the back to wade with these penguins that came up to his waist. Over the next few days, possibly weeks, we proceeded to rid Jake's truck of these by throwing them at anyone we saw. Most people would initially yell and curse at us, but upon realizing what we had just thrown, would smile or laugh, or occasionally give a thank you wave.
Now, these things have become quite endangered. Everyone who was there or knows of them has kept a select few. I myself have three gracing my piano. I guess the moral to this story, if there is one, is make memories. When I think of the times we had back in those days, six years ago, it always brings a smile to my face. I miss those times, but I know that in another six years, I'll look back at today, and hopefully a smile will come to my face then as well.
Ok, sentimental emotion purge complete.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 14: "6/14"
I remember this day in Issaquah being super fun. Eric and I got some lines at this basketball court. Note on my line the lady walking with the swimming noodle things nearly getting in my way, hence the delayed push. Also, if you haven't skated that last spot, you must at some point in your life. So fun.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Villagers Out of Context Vol. 17
"He seems the type that would keep a needle in his finger." - Eric Logan
Friday, March 4, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Villagers Out of Context vol. 15
"Grow your toenail out and cut someone's head off with it." - Josh Peterson
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
S Ledges iPhonetage
Had a short break between classes so I drove down to s ledges for a solo session. It turned into a sesh with friends, and as soon as everyone got there I already had to go. I threw all the clips into a montage. Eric did the fs nosegrind twice and I missed it both times! I also hear of a noseblunt pop out that unfortunately for me, occurred after I left.
I probably used way too many 8mm clips and I’m no expert at final cut, but nonetheless I wanted to throw something together.
Song by Calvin Kouba and Chucky Berls.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Balsamic Villagers: AVAILABLE NOW!
The last 4 years in the lives of the Balsamic Villagers, in a brisk 45 minutes. Plus 15 minutes of bonus features.
Cory Thomas
Dave Waite
Jake Weger
Eric Logan
Tim Henry
Jordan Strong
Andy Snyder
Reilly Schlitt
Luke Elliott
The Kelly Brothers
Josh Peterson
Matt Nielsen
We've all poured our hearts and souls into this thing for the last few years, and its a relief to have finally reached the end of the road. We had more than our fair share of setbacks(crashed hard drives, stolen cameras etc.) but more importantly we've had many amazing times together experiencing the sheer joy of skateboarding. I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor, and I hope this gets you excited to ride your skateboard whenever and wherever you can this winter. Be it on a rare sunny day, or in some dirty, dank, and half-wet garage during a snowstorm... Just make sure to have fun.
-Jake Knapp and the Villagers.
You can purchase 'Balsamic Villagers' via the "buy now" link below, or at 35th ave. in Federal Way.

Cory Thomas
Dave Waite
Jake Weger
Eric Logan
Tim Henry
Jordan Strong
Andy Snyder
Reilly Schlitt
Luke Elliott
The Kelly Brothers
Josh Peterson
Matt Nielsen
We've all poured our hearts and souls into this thing for the last few years, and its a relief to have finally reached the end of the road. We had more than our fair share of setbacks(crashed hard drives, stolen cameras etc.) but more importantly we've had many amazing times together experiencing the sheer joy of skateboarding. I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor, and I hope this gets you excited to ride your skateboard whenever and wherever you can this winter. Be it on a rare sunny day, or in some dirty, dank, and half-wet garage during a snowstorm... Just make sure to have fun.
-Jake Knapp and the Villagers.
You can purchase 'Balsamic Villagers' via the "buy now" link below, or at 35th ave. in Federal Way.

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Villagers Out of Context vol. 12
"I didn't bring my knife because I brought my skateboard. Potentially more deadly."
- Joshua Peterson
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Villagers Out of Context vol. 11
"Every year the superbowl ruins one Sunday of my life." - Eric Logan
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 13: "Westbay and rail"
This was a pretty fun and successful day, despite a hole in the ground every square foot. The last trick is our good friend and fellow Villager, Chris Lee. Enjoy!
P.S. Could there be a better thumbnail for this video? I think not, and it just popped up automatically!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A few clips jumbled together from Saturday. Was a fun spot, hence why I didn't film anything after the first ten minutes of our being there haha. Matt Gorman got the trick of the spot as seen in the photo below.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Villagers Out Of Context vol. 7
so today i stopped at the supermall" - David Waite via FB chat
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 12 "Teaser"
This is a teaser for what was once called "Pleas35aveSkateboarding" (Please Save Skateboarding), but what ended up being called Sorry, We're Open. It's summery and feel-good, just what we need during these rainy, winter days.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Villagers Out of Context vol. 5
"Why are you all hard dicked up in the park?" - Eric Logan
This will soon be the Eric Logan Out of Context series.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Send Me Footy pt. 11: "6/27"
This video features myself, Matt Nielsen, and Andy Snyder. We loved the first downhill manual spot for some reason, probably because it was easy to skate and fairly low impact. Andy rifled off a slew of flip tricks and manuals with much ease, whereas I struggled with one. The halfcab heel manual, on the other hand, was purely accidental. I was trying the flip trick into it and the manual just happened. Also, I told Jake not to film it, but being the professional that he is, he still did. The second spot is this stage in Issaquah that may or may not still be there. We went late at night and skated it hassle-free. Super fun times.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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