Wednesday, June 30, 2010

6/26/10 and some other events

This funday involved myself, Jake Knapp, Zeb Bruser, Eric Logan, Dave Waite, Reilly Schlitt, and Luke Elliot. We started off at the old Ballard ledge spot for some expansive flatground. In doing so, we discovered what happened to one of the ledges...

We then went to skate some wallrides and found this hidden treasure. It's actually not as good as it looks considering the run up, but definitely fun. Many tricks were made but no photos.

Next spot was this nearby barrier. Everyone did some tricks and everyone fell in the dirt at least once.

Reilly, 5-0

Luke, Switch pivot fakie

Me, 5-0 fakie attempt

Zeb, Smith

Dave, Tailslide and pic of the day

Zeb, Front feeble

These are some random photos from a different day.

Fluff Top for life

And lastly, some pictures from Jake's Graduation/Portfolio show.

Energy Jelly.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

traffic skateboards-deshi

This is a weekly update traffic does for it's team riders, this week it's Deshi.The reason I posted this is because we all need a reminder to hit the streets and search out some spots with hidden potential.I've been hitting the parks a bit too much lately.See you on the streets.

Traffic Report 6/15/2010 from Traffic Skateboards on Vimeo.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

danny brady-mfwtcb

This video is too damn amazing,i highly advise purchasing it when you can find it but for now enjoy Danny Brady in the upcoming feature by blueprint skateboards, make friends with the color blue.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

magenta skateboards promo

A new company headed up by Soy Panday, Magenta skateboards.The team consists of Leo Valls,Soy and Vivien Feil.I would love to say you could find their boards in the US but I doubt that will happen.Seems like all my favorite videos are being produced outside the states lately.
Magenta promo.