Finally got my camera back, allowing me to document sessions again. Everyone skated Seattle on saturday. Here's what happened:
The crew included:
Eric (note Calvin's well executed switch heel in the background)






Lots of tricks went down on this flat gap. Josh was throwing around switch backside flips.

Pretty sure he's saying "Think some sick shit."

"I'm gonna throw this at Jake and you take a picture." Jake was not pleased.

"Did it look like I popped?" No, Eric, sorry.

The broom was a necessity at this spot.

Zeb was the only one who even tried skating this thing. He and Eric found a piece of angle iron that was probably 20 feet long and propped it up there. It's held down by two big rocks on each end, as is the ramp up to it. Don't forget the rebar sticking out of the top too. Translation: sketchy.

Eric and Dave were hyped, I think Calvin was perplexed.

We then went to this school and skated some grass hills.

Eric got epic, as usual.

Dave got hyped, as usual.

Jake filmed it all, as usual.

Afterwards, we had some beers and watched the footy, as usual.

Greg and Justin came and smiled, as usual.