We finally made it back to Tacoma yesterday after a brief hiatus, due to who knows what. Unfortunately, we ended up skating the s-ledges most of the day. That may sound nice to some, but when you know what Tacoma really has to offer, it is a great sadness. Fortunately, some amazing tricks went down. I didn't document most of them, as I was battling some tricks myself, but I can tell you what went down...
Luke did a halfcab noseslide to crook.
Eric did a frontside 5-0, frontside 360 out.
Cory did an impecable fakie ollie back tail, back 360 shove it out!
I almost did a front tail shove it to tail, Smolik style.
And Josh almost did a back tail 180 to back nose.
On a positive note, these were all filmed and will more than likely make it into Balsamic Villagers, coming this summer.
Here's some moments I did manage to document:

Dave's workin' on something special...

Luke saw this and had to get the wallride photo.


Josh did a sick line with this wallride and an ollie over some massive train tracks.

Calvin wallied this on Dave's board, after breaking his own (see video).

Dave and Calvin, watching Eric try to nosemanual something nobody else could ollie up (see below picture for an idea).

Dave, Calvin, Eric and Jake (hardflipping the cruiser).


It took us hours to get home, giving me lots of long exposure practice.

Yeah, Eric's working on something too...